IRIDA 0.21.0 Released

IRIDA has been upgraded to version 0.21.0.  This version contains the following updates:

New Pipelines

This release adds 2 new pipelines to IRIDA: MentaLiST and RefSeq Masher. Both of these pipelines can be run as usual from the pipeline launch page.


MentaLiST is a MLST pipeline based on a k-mer counting algorithm, specifically designed and implemented to handle large typing schemes. Documentation on running MentaLiST can be found in the IRIDA tutorials pages at

RefSeq Masher

This pipeline incorporates the popular MASH analysis tool into IRIDA. RefSeq Masher searches your sequence data against a Mash database of 54,925 NCBI RefSeq Genomes to find what NCBI RefSeq genomes match or are contained within your sequence data. A tutorial for this tool can also be found in our documentation at

Previewing Analysis Results

IRIDA now allows you to preview all files created by a pipeline on the analysis output page. All available files can be seen from the Preview tab.


Full IRIDA changelog for this version is available at