IRIDA 0.17.0 Released

The 0.17.0 version of IRIDA has been released! Download the new version on our downloads page.

Metadata/Line List

IRIDA has added the ability to add metadata to your samples. Currently the metadata module allows you to upload an excel spreadsheet of your data, then view it in an interactive tabular “line list”. For investigations with different collections of metadata, templates can be created to display only the metadata important to your work.

Basic Line List

Finally this metadata can be used to enhance visualizations in IRIDA such as with a SNVPhyl output.


See IRIDA’s documentation on sample metadata for more information in our documentation. Note it is not recommended to store identifiable data in IRIDA.

Deleting Projects

IRIDA has added the ability to delete projects. Note that deleting a project is a permanent action! While the deleted projects and samples will be backed up if it needs to be investigated in the future, it may not be able to be restored in IRIDA.

See the documentation on deleting projects at

Other updates

  • Technician Role - A new system role has been created for sequencing technicians. This will allow the technicians to view all sequencing runs in the system to inspect whether they have been uploaded properly. The SISTR pipeline has been upgraded to version 1.0.2 and a number of labels have been fixed in IRIDA’s user interface.

Full IRIDA changelog for this version is available at