IRIDA 19.01 Released

IRIDA’s 19.01 version is now available!  Download the new release on GitHub at

You may have noticed a new style of version number for IRIDA.  We have switched to a CalVer style version system where the version (the year of the release).(month of release).(bugfix).  This will help users keep informed of how recently their IRIDA install has been updated.  Releases are expected to come multiple times a year so watch for updates.

This release includes quite a few new user and developer features:

Line List Redevelopment

This version includes a full redevelopment of the metadata line list page.  The page has been re-written to be more user friendly, interactive, and able to handle larger amounts of sample metadata.  This release also includes the ability to edit sample data directly on the line list table.  We’re continuing to make improvements to this page in the upcoming releases so watch and our GitHub page for more developments.  For more on this update, see the updated documentation at

Assembly Pipeline Updated to Shovill

The assembly workflow in IRIDA has been updated to use Shovill for assembly and QUAST for assembly quality assessment instead of directly running SPAdes.  This has greatly improved the time to assemble genomes within IRIDA.  See more about the Shovill pipeline at


Batch Analysis Output Exporting

This release has made it easier to export multiple pipeline results for offline analysis.  You can now filter and select analysis files from your personal analysis outputs, or analysis outputs shared to a project for bulk download.

See more in our documentation at

Plugin Workflow Development

For developers interested in contributing their analysis pipelines to IRIDA, this has been made much easier in this release by allowing you to package your workflow as a plugin.  Analysis tools still need to be developed as Galaxy workflows, but their integration into IRIDA is now much simpler and no longer needs modification to the IRIDA code base.  See the pipeline development documentation on our docs site and an example plugin template on GitHub at to get started.

Other updates:

  • Sped up a number of REST API endpoints that are important for the uploader tool and a number of other REST API tools.  This will greatly improve performance of searching for samples with IRIDA REST API enabled tools.
  • Added the sample coverage to the table exported from the project samples page.
  • Added new server profiles to allow IRIDA web server to run in a clustered fashion. See documentation at

See the full release change log at