IRIDA 20.01 Released

IRIDA’s first release for 2020, version 20.01 is ready for download. Find the new release at

This update is heavy on developer updates that will help us support and build IRIDA for the future, but contains a few user interface updates as well.

User Interface Updates

IRIDA’s UI team has been busy updating and refining IRIDA’s user interface build process, refactoring existing pages, fixing UI bugs, and upgrading a number of key libraries.  As a result a number of pages have received a visual refresh including:

  • Project listing page,
  • Analysis result listing page,
  • Sequencing runs listing page,
  • Associated projects page.

A number of behind-the-scenes updates have also been made to help IRIDA’s user interface libraries stay up to date.

IRIDA Server Updates

  • This release updates The minimum Java version for IRIDA to Java 11. We updated to this version since it’s the current “long term support” Java version which will continue to receive security updates and patches until at least 2022. This update involved a number of code changes to IRIDA to comply with Java 11’s standards and also required us to upgrade many libraries which we use to build IRIDA. This update will generally not be noticeable by the user, but will help ensure stability of IRIDA’s codebase in the upcoming years.
  • This update also brings IRIDA to use version 5 of the Spring Framework.  Spring includes much of the core infrastructure that we used to build IRIDA. This is again a change that will undoubtedly go unnoticed to regular users, but will allow us to advance IRIDA’s security, performance, and data infrastructure.

Security updates - Connecting to remote systems

Part of the above library updates required a change to how IRIDA connects to remote systems through its OAuth2 Client/Remote API system.  This will require IRIDA administrators to register the URL of the service connecting to IRIDA when creating a client.  Administrators should see more in our documentation at

For a full list of changes in this IRIDA release, see our changelog at